| Anthony DeFrange is also known as: A. DeFrange, Antonio DeFrange and Tony DeFrange. Some years ago you very kindly added my friend Jonathan Runckel’s paintings by Anthony deFrange to your website archive. Jonathan later decided not to sell them, but to donate them to the Leslie-Lohman Museum whose representative had appraised them for him. He wrote that wish into his will, but failed to sign the will before he passed away this Spring to my enduring sadness. His horrible relatives ignored all of his wishes, and among other things, sold the paintings at auction in May. Here is the codicil of his will: "I leave to Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art of New York, New York, for their own use absolutely, the following: Four paintings by Anthony DeFrange. If Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art decline the gift, then I leave this property toGLBT History Museum of San Francisco, California.” A cautionary tale. If you like, feel free to add the quote from his will, and the caution to “Sign your Will.” | |